Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 247 Seeing Him Again

After the meeting with the President and the Secretary of the Navy, they left, leaving Poul, Jonathan, and Morgan alone in the meeting room.

"Poul, Jonathan, to be honest, I share their reaction," Morgan said. "The battleship that you proposed caught me off guard. Well since the two of you said that you can build it, given your past credentials of building something beyond comprehension, I\'ll be betting on you."

"You better be, Mr. Morgan," Poul said, his lips curling to a smile. "Since we will be the one to get the projects means we can exclusively profit from it. The metals that would be used to build the warship will be supplied by our steel manufacturing enterprises, and the electronics system such as the radars and wireless telegram would be produced by our own as well. And to make the matter more favorable to you, the United States is surely going to love the battleship that we have proposed to them."

"Yeah, I can see the surprise on their faces," Morgan nodded his head. "Well, I\'m concerned about the steel enterprise the two of you are running. You are facing Carnegie. You see, he is the one that supplies railroads with tracks, beams for skyscrapers and bridges, and other steel products. You two have been competing directly against him since the establishment of your steel enterprise." 

"Yeah but as far as we know he is not doing anything yet," Jonathan said. "Maybe because our market share is not just as big as him to see us as a significant threat. But rest assured, our steel enterprise exists solely to supply our own projects."

"Are you sure? Because I remember you saying that you plan on competing with Carnegie," Morgan asked.

Poul and Jonathan exchanged glances. 

"Maybe, steel is a lucrative business after all," Poul said. "Would there be anything else, Mr. Morgan? Because if not, we would like to return to the party to celebrate our success in constructing the metro station…"


Poul was interrupted by the sudden entrance of the attendant to the meeting room. 

"Jesus Christ you startled me," Poul exclaimed, clutching his chest. "What is it?"

The attendant\'s face was pale, and his voice trembled with urgency. "Sir, I apologize for the interruption, but there is a visitor outside that would like to see you, Mr. Nielsen."

"Wait, you barged into our meeting room with that?" Jonathan scoffed. "Who is it then? I guess that it is not the President of the United States because we just finished speaking with him earlier. So who might be the person that ranked above him wanting to see Poul?"

"I can speak for myself, Jonathan, thank you," Poul replied, his curiosity piqued. "Who is this visitor, and why do they want to see me specifically?"

The attendant took a deep breath to steady himself. "Sir, the visitor is from the British Empire, the new king of the British Empire, King Alexander."

Upon hearing the name of the visitor, Poul, Jonathan, and Morgan exchanged startled glances. King Alexander, formerly known as Crown Prince Alexander ascended the throne a year ago. Also, he is the person who deeply hated Poul for committing a grave mistake against him.

"What the heck is he doing here in the United States?" Poul stammered. "What does he want from me?"

"He didn\'t state specifically why he wanted to see you, Mr. Nielsen, but it\'s best that you meet with him and find out," the attendant said, his voice filled with concern.

Poul took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. King Alexander\'s visit was unexpected and held the potential for confrontation. However, Poul was not one to back down from a challenge. He looked at Jonathan and Morgan, who nodded in silent support.

"Alright," Poul said, his voice firm. "Escort King Alexander to a private room. I will meet with him there."

The attendant nodded and hurriedly left the room to relay the message. Poul turned to his companions, a determined look in his eyes.

"I don\'t know what King Alexander\'s intentions are, but he won\'t be able to do a thing to me while I\'m in this country."

Five minutes later, Poul stood in the private room, awaiting King Alexander\'s arrival. His mind raced with thoughts of their tumultuous past and the potential challenges that lay ahead. 

The door swung open, and King Alexander entered the room, his regal presence filling the space. Poul noticed a sense of purpose in the king\'s demeanor, contrasting with the animosity they had once shared.

"Your Majesty," Poul greeted respectfully, nodding his head. "I didn\'t expect to see you in our grand opening celebration, neither did my country. To what do I owe the honor of your visit."

King Alexander\'s piercing gaze fixed upon Poul, studying him intently. There was a moment of silence as the weight of their shared history hung in the air.

"Poul Nielsen. I came here to the United States to see the metro station that you were part of building and congratulate you for making yet again a momentous achievement," Alexander said sincerely yet there was a subtle hint of a lie beneath it. 

"Is that so, Your Majesty. You could have contacted me if you wanted to see the grand opening, I could have saved you a good seat. But is that what you truly came for? To congratulate me? Because I couldn\'t imagine you doing that." 

"What\'s wrong? Always thinking that I\'m out to get you?" King Alexander interrupted with a wry smile, cutting through Poul\'s skepticism. "I must admit, our past encounters have been less than pleasant due to you stealing my girl. But that is in the past now as I have found a new woman, better than that treacherous wretch," Alexander said, his voice dripping with disdain. 

"I will suggest that you watch your words very carefully, Your Majesty. You are not in your country so stop acting tough. Though I\'m glad that you found a woman that would love your obsessive tendencies—"

The table shattered under King Alexander\'s furious blow, abruptly interrupting their tense exchange. A powerful shockwave surged through the room, shaking the furniture and forcing Poul, Jonathan, and Morgan to instinctively step back in surprise. Poul\'s eyes narrowed, his own anger simmering beneath the surface, yet he managed to maintain his composure despite the provocation.

"I see where this is going," Poul said, a sly smile forming on his lips. "If you are wondering if Sara is okay, I assure you, Your Majesty, she is perfectly fine under my care. I will get back to her now if there\'s nothing more to discuss."

"Wait, Poul," Alexander spoke, his voice dripping with venomous intent. "Just because I have bided my time for the past two years does not mean that I have relinquished my pursuit of revenge. Do not be mistaken, I am still relentless in my quest to make you pay for the pain you caused me. Now, as the King of the British Empire, I am poised to unleash my wrath upon you... for tearing her away from me, toying with my emotions, and reducing me to a pitiful fool."

Poul\'s countenance remained unyielding, his resolve unshaken by the King\'s threats. "Merely proclaiming your kingship alters nothing, Alexander. You are but a puppet, a puppet adorned in regalia and ceremony. However, if you wish to challenge me, I might consider a more formidable position. Perhaps I shall run for President of the United States. After all, the upcoming election is just around the corner."

Jonathan and Morgan exchanged startled glances, their eyes wide with disbelief. Poul had just spoken of a bold and audacious endeavor.

"Yes," Poul continued, his voice resonating with an undeniable aura of power. "I shall run as the President of the United States, and in that arena, we shall truly determine who reigns supreme, who possesses the true power, King or President."

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